- Pet stroller can be taken on the planeWhistler Healthy Bar Canary Finch Treat 100g

Size 100g
Whistler Healthy Bar Canary Finch Treat 100g is a delightful cereal mix for birds with the added tint of peppers and parsley inside with a honey glaze. It tastes delicious and will keep your bird occupied for hours. These treat bars can change your pets’ normal boring meal into an enjoyable feast. Make sure you keep this healthy treat in a dry place away from direct sunlight. Whistler Healthy Bar Canary Finch Treat 100g treat supplies all the necessary nutrients and minerals and for your pet birds to grow healthily. It contains cereals and genuine products blended with a mouth watering flavour. The other key features of Whistler Healthy Bar Canary Finch Treat 100g include:
  • Best to hook next to bird’s coop or on a branch.
  • Contains seed mix, peppers, parsley, along with honey glaze.
  • Contains vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  • Enjoyable taste.
  • Keeps your pet birds busy for hours.
  • 100% Australian made.
  • Infused with exotic seasonal Australian fruits.
  • Available in 100g size only.
The Whistler Avian Science premium bird food range has been scientifically formulated for the needs of specific bird breeds; targeting the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for a happy and healthy pet or wild bird. Ingredients: White French Millet. Currants. Panicum Millet. Canary Seed. Canola.Japanese Millet. Hulled Oats. Aviary Grit. Red Millet. Parsley and Honey. Looking for the easiest way to clean and sanitise your cage? is a professionally formulated broad spectrum disinfectant spray that is quick, easy and safe to use!